Sunday, January 01, 2006

So sorry for all those waiting for a good post

Hey chickens, I know that I have been mega-crap at posting lately, but watch this space, I promise within the next 48 hours I will write a good long juicy one.
Lots of love and a happy new year to all.
xxx Ang


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tic Toc...

Happy New Year to all! My horoscope said that the first few days of this year would establish the pattern for the rest of the year, so I have been busily studying, reading, working, exercising and doing my best to eat right! Hope that putting in the hard yards will pay off...

Spent New Year's Eve sitting with friends in arctic-like airconditioning debating many philisophical issues and debriefing on all of our sorry love-lives. Have submitted a request to be introduced to as many availables as possible!

Hoping to get on a turtle-egg-laying monitoring program, go out camping on the islands with my brother and his friends and am doing my first work-related bush trip tomorrow to a station-based community to find some language speakers.

And the monsoonal low-pressure system that delivered a fabulous thunder and lightening storm on Dec 29th is slowly clearing up so the temperatures are climbing back up to 44c.

1/02/2006 9:13 PM


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