Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas chickens. I am sitting on the couch like an old nonna with a blanket over my knees, the fire is lit and the festive season is well under way. Today we spent the whole day cooking (I am in Sarzana with my Italian family) for tonight - big Christmas eve dinner before midnight mass (for those who go). I have been Santa's little helper for the past few days, I even helped build a gingerbread house (not an easy task).
I hope that you all spent a wonderful and merry Christmas with loved ones.
xxx Ang


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, baby.

12/27/2005 5:44 AM

Blogger Ang said...

Thanks Babi, eventhough we spoke twice, it's never enough, I love you, I miss you.

12/27/2005 6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


What happened to not showing emotions on the blog 'cos other people can read it? LOL... I miss you. I know you are having fun, but I can't wait for you to come home. Have a safe trip to France. I love you.

12/28/2005 6:11 PM


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