Wednesday, December 07, 2005

All roads lead to Rome...

All roads lead to Rome...but when it's the day before a national holiday, it's pretty darn slow road. Today I started another leg of my journey and moved from Milano a Roma. Now I have some peace and quite, not to mention personal space, and am in a little but reasonable considering the ** rating hotel room in Tiburtina in Rome.
Things are proceeding well here, slow, but well. I interviewed a sociologist/ author (probably can't share the name due to ethics) - it was fantastic. Let's just set the scene... I got to the sociology department at Milan University about 15 minutes early, and trying not to look to out of place I decided to look really interested in an economics noticeboard - shit it was boring - but anyway, I was looking not too out of place when I see in my peripheral vision a person approaching me, and then the person was basically on top of me - "CIAAOOOO!" Mirna all of a sudden appeared out of nowhere. It so happens that Mirna is staying at this person's place as she is friends with her partner, and decided to tag along. No big deal, the interviewee was amazing, she took the initiative in the interview, which is ideal, and was an amazing source of both opinion and further suggestions.
Yesterday I managed to spend another €250 on books, but at least I will have an extensive library when I get home... maybe broke, but with books - isn't that what being an accademic is all about?
I ate a whole pizza at dinner last night - i just thought that I would share that because it is one of the major acheivements of my life - and I enjoyed just about every moment of it - I think it was comfort food after one of the most distressing arguments of my life. The question was posed to me "So, do you want kids?" - personal question - ok - personal answer - yes, one, and I will love him or her very much. Before I knew it the discussion had escalated into a political disourse on the fact that a child deserves and needs a mother and father figure. I took the high road, I didn't take a tone, I didn't raise my voice, I even backed off - my goodness Italians love arguing. Seriously, I think that it should be a recognised past time. Anyway after half an hour I'd had enough and tried to change topic - no go. I even posed an argument on the sexuality of the new Pope - it almost took off, but not quite. It was too personal an arguement for me, discussing with someone that had no personal interest, except maybe having a good fight, there could be no happy ending - hence me being content at having my own space in Rome.I got to Rome late tonight, but I can already tell that the weather is better, not too cold - yet.
How are you all? What's news?
xxx Ang


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

Hope you're enjoying Rome. Not doing much...just work,as usual.

Take Care.

Love you,

12/08/2005 5:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi gorgeous Ang,
Have only just worked out how to use this thing... I know, I know, its actually really simple... Great to read of your successful interviews and book-buying frenzy. Poor but with a good library suits you! :-)
Seriously your work sounds like its going well, and I'm so pleased. Did you spend any other time with Mirna? How random that she appeared unexpectedly...
Good luck staving off the cold... seems like a really unseasonable winter over there. Funny, snow doesn't go with my mental picture of the Italian landscape. Stupid, I know, but I was there in April so I didn't see it really winterised.
Sorry about the confrontational 'do you want children' conversation. Sounds like you handled it really well but I can imagine that it was difficult to have someone be so full on. I spose people get a bit carried away and forget that the political can be personal as well as the other way around! Glad that the pizza was there for you in your hour of need. YUM! Real Italian pizza! Makes me hungry just thinking about it.
So my news is that I FINISHED UNI!
Aghrghghrgr! Very very exciting, if a little surreal. Have been working full time at Law Foundation to earn Chrissie cash, and hopefully save some to go travelling with. Pete and I are planning a couple of weeks in New Zealand in late January, if we get ourselves organised. Then some more relaxation before starting work in mid March.
Went last night to the Christmas party of Middletons where I'm working next year. Interesting. Had fun in the end, but a bit weird at the start because I didn't really know anyone... glad I went tho and glad I'm working there next year. Looking forward to it.
But this is getting to be a novella-length posting, so I'll stop now and wish you all the best. Much much love and now that I can work this thing, hope to hear more from each other.

12/09/2005 4:42 PM


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