Friday, November 18, 2005


Hey all. So have arrived safe and well in Italy, without any dramas at all (surprise, surprise) and have managed to get over my jetlag without any real hassle. I'm in Bologna at the moment for the lesbian film festival, which i'm sure will be fantastic as it deals with feminist themes as well. Last night I saw an Iranian documentary called Myriam's Story about the honour killing of a 7 year old girl, it was amazing and terrible at the same time. Anyway, the day after I got here, so did the cold... just my luck. No matter what I wear it is still too cold outside and too hot inside - good old Europe. Nothing really interesting to tell yet, except I'm so happy to be here, I didn't realise how comfortable it would be to come back.
When I get my laptop connected to the net I wuill start upoading photos.
Let me know how you're all going.
xxx Ang


Blogger Ang said...

Congratulations Vicky! That is fantastic... now we can all be grownups and "do lunch" seeings we will all be in different offices.
And Rhinnannyn... I feel like some kind of a human onion when I walk inside, peeling of layer by layer... nothing to be jealous of, and no matter which socks and shoes you wear your feet are always cold... and your nose. not good.

11/21/2005 5:03 AM


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