Monday, December 12, 2005

Boring rome plus a crash course for non monashers

Ciao a tutti. Disappointed to tell you all that I have been in Rome since the 7th and haven't got anything exciting to report - though I did go past the colloseum on the bus the other day, so technically I've seen it this trip around. Have spent the week following up a lot of absolutely useless leads, which I find myself doing a lot in Italy. I have booked five interviews though, so from tomorrow onwards I am flat out (like a lizard drinking - sorry couldn't helpit, it's like going off like a frog in a sock). I also have a conference to attend that will help me to contextualise the les-movement. OOOH - conferences - my abstract for Dublin has been accepted, so that makes my trip legitimate... yupidoo.
xxx Ang
ps. just a note to the confused readers (non monashers). Re the comments that Rhinannyn made, at Uni there is a rumour (heard it on the grapevine - the loooong grapevine that reached from Melbourne to Milan) that the Italian and Indonesian departments are being moved in there entirety (not including the libraries I presume) from Clayton to Caulfield - suffice to say CHE PALLE (what balls) - such a move would only be inconvenient. I also made comments along the line that the timeing of the move is cunning considering the majority of people in language departments have taken leave. So that's the story on the comments - really boring stuff for people not involved. sorry


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