Thursday, January 19, 2006

Turin and more!

Hello chickens, it's been a while... I've heard from most of you individually, but i thought that I should post - otherwise there's no point to having a blog is there? I'm still in Sarzana, mostly been concentrating on writing, though I conducted one of my most important interviews in Turin on Sunday. It was fantastic, this semi-professional looking young person turning up in a hotel in Turin with a laptop to do interviews...

everyone kept asking me if I was there with the athletes... As IF! I hope to be as far away from that city as possible when the winter olympics start! The interview that I did was FANTASTIC!

One of the best so far, and I have another booked in for Monday in Florence, and I will be in Rome again on Wednesday. I am panicking just a little about the paper that I will give in Dublin... if anyone feels like proofreading, let me know! I will accept all and any suggestions/criticism!

Jj is counting down the days until I get back, it's less than a month though. Can't wait to see all of you who are in Aus, the rest of you will either have to come and find me or invite me to yours.

xxx Ang


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy all,

Last day at work today, hoping for a bender tonight at 'The Pier', followed by a flight tomorrow morning to Perth for some R&R then onto Melbourne on Monday.

Probably be at Monash on Wed for anyone who might also be there for a catch up.

Saw the Australia Day fireworks at the Port Hedland Civic Centre last night. They were set off from a barge off the coast. Was interesting to see them going off against a backdrop of a brightly light shipping channel and port. Big storm was coming in too, so lightning added to the mix.

Saw my firts citizenship ceremony last night too, which I was quite overwhelmed by. All of this nationalism really freaks me out - refused to stand for the national anthem. Was lucky not to get arrested for sedition... speaking of which, did you hear about the artwork which was removed by police in footscray for being seditious??? The artwork was a burnt Australian flag. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief at the reaction...

1/26/2006 5:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy all,

Last day at work today, hoping for a bender tonight at 'The Pier', followed by a flight tomorrow morning to Perth for some R&R then onto Melbourne on Monday.

Probably be at Monash on Wed for anyone who might also be there for a catch up.

Saw the Australia Day fireworks at the Port Hedland Civic Centre last night. They were set off from a barge off the coast. Was interesting to see them going off against a backdrop of a brightly light shipping channel and port. Big storm was coming in too, so lightning added to the mix.

Saw my firts citizenship ceremony last night too, which I was quite overwhelmed by. All of this nationalism really freaks me out - refused to stand for the national anthem. Was lucky not to get arrested for sedition... speaking of which, did you hear about the artwork which was removed by police in footscray for being seditious??? The artwork was a burnt Australian flag. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief at the reaction...

1/26/2006 5:05 PM


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