Monday, January 30, 2006


This is the Italian premier in all his glory - sign of the corna... I mean can you believe he is actually running this country?


Blogger Ang said...

Thanks sweet. I will be in Sarzana for my birthday, so at least i will be in company before flying out to Ireland on the 5th. I was thinking about Pushka and Lola the other day, and I have to say that I'm very surprised that they are getting along. I don't blame Lola not liking Mimi, I mean come on he got lost in the attic for 24 hours... see you soon, JJ tells me it's 15 days!

1/31/2006 8:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, baby! Can't wait to celebrate it together when you come home. Love you!

2/02/2006 5:14 AM


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