Monday, January 30, 2006


This is the Italian premier in all his glory - sign of the corna... I mean can you believe he is actually running this country?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Turin and more!

Hello chickens, it's been a while... I've heard from most of you individually, but i thought that I should post - otherwise there's no point to having a blog is there? I'm still in Sarzana, mostly been concentrating on writing, though I conducted one of my most important interviews in Turin on Sunday. It was fantastic, this semi-professional looking young person turning up in a hotel in Turin with a laptop to do interviews...

everyone kept asking me if I was there with the athletes... As IF! I hope to be as far away from that city as possible when the winter olympics start! The interview that I did was FANTASTIC!

One of the best so far, and I have another booked in for Monday in Florence, and I will be in Rome again on Wednesday. I am panicking just a little about the paper that I will give in Dublin... if anyone feels like proofreading, let me know! I will accept all and any suggestions/criticism!

Jj is counting down the days until I get back, it's less than a month though. Can't wait to see all of you who are in Aus, the rest of you will either have to come and find me or invite me to yours.

xxx Ang

Friday, January 13, 2006

Un saluto

I would just like to send a big warm hug to my cousin Agnese, Zio Nunzio e Zia MariaTeresa... un abbraccio a tutti
xxx Ang

Thursday, January 12, 2006

monashers - we have been blogged!!!!

Some of our projects are floating around in cyber-space without us knowing! Well I'll just blog the certain SBS person right back (well actually I won't i'll just give you the link to his page). Have fun

c/o The Age Odd Spot

Friday December 23, 2005

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has sent his Swedish counterpart 24 bottles of Italian wine, saying it will help him recover from having to drink Welsh white wine and English reds at a European Union summit. least Italians seem to have realised that good old Berlusca was a big mistake

Saturday, January 07, 2006

La France Profond

Time flies when you're having fun! My three weeks off are coming to an end and I will have to stick my head down and tail up and get cracking as I am only about 5 weeks away from coming home. I spent Christmas in Sarzana (La Spezia, Liguria) and left on the 29th to spend New Years with Vicky and her family in "France profonde" as she put it.
The train trip was an experience, Genova- Nice, Nice - Toulouse, Toulouse - Montauban - about 12 hours in total - the part of my brain that contains the little French I know got a mega workout, but it is always satisfying to be independent in a strange country.
Staying with Vic was a fantastic experience, her family lives just outside a village called Moncuq - which needs to be renamed Moncooky due to its unique mix of people, but all in all I think that is what makes the village so sweet. Everyone was lovely - if you want to see Vic's house the link to their website is . It was a tense week, a new cat
has been added to the mix of animals and not everyone (Lola the sausage dog who is apparently Hitler reincarnated) approves.
New Years Eve was spent at the house, we were still at the dinner table when the clock struck twelve, it was a nice relaxing New Years - good way to welcome 2006.
I came back to Sarzana on the 5th, and I took my first (and if can help it my last) night train and now trying to wind up to get back to work - I still need to go to Turin, Florence and Milan again and really need to write my paper for my February conference in Dublin. No rest for the wicked huh?
I hope that you are all well, Sarah you sound like you are having a fantastic time.
Vicky, happy birthday for the 8th
Brigid and Rhinannyn - I hope the papers are coming along well.
And JJ - start cleaning the house, I'll be home soon (he he)
xxx Ang

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

French news flash

So at the moment I am at Vicky's parents plece in France and have been planning to download my photos and tell you stories for days, I hope to be able to download them tomorrow, if not the next day. Sorry for the delay.
xxx Ang

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So sorry for all those waiting for a good post

Hey chickens, I know that I have been mega-crap at posting lately, but watch this space, I promise within the next 48 hours I will write a good long juicy one.
Lots of love and a happy new year to all.
xxx Ang